Monday 5 October 2009

Write to Stetski

After last week's announcement that the Ministry of Environment would scrap the extension to the grizzly hunt in the Kootenays, they are already back-pedalling.

In a radio interview Wayne Stetski, the regional manager, said that he had only seen five or six emails that opposed the grizzly hunt extension and that it could be brought back.

We all know that there are more than five or six local residents that oppose the hunting extension. More than 200 of you signed a petition against the extension this summer.

But if we don't want to lose this small victory, you must all write to Mr. Stetski and congratulate him for dropping the extension. You can add, if you wish, that you are against the grizzly hunt altogether.

The BC Wildlife Federation, which represents the hunters, is a powerful lobby in this province. Already they are trying to say that those of us who oppose the grizzly hunt are radicals who oppose all hunting and fishing.

It's not true but it makes their members less likely to criticise the grizzly hunt. So, if you feel as strongly about this as we do, write to Mr Stetski telling him there are more than five or six of us. It doesn't have to be long - just a line will do - but please write.

His email is:

And when you have done that please forward this to your friends and ask them to do the same.

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