Thursday, 3 September 2009

A move to extend the hunt in the Kootenays

Far from the public eye, the local BC Ministry of Environment office has been planning to extend the grizzly hunt. It currently finishes on June 5th and the plan is to extend it until the end of June.

At a meeting on Aug 22nd, representatives of the grizzly hunters met with the Ministry of Environment and, it seems, endorsed the new plan.

When the ministry was asked to explain the plan to those opposed to the grizzly hunt they said that it was all being done in the name of grizzly conservation.

We have asked for a meeting with the Ministry officials responsible (we'll keep names out of this so it doesn't get too personal) but so far he's being a little coy with the dates he could meet.

Will keep you all posted.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work, Julius, please keep us up to date on the potential meeting. Here in Alberta we just got the 'fantastic' (the sarcasm is no longer dripping, it's pouring) news that the Alberta Fish & Game Association has called for a re-opening of the Alberta grizzly hunt, even though there's fewer than 500 grizzlies left in Alberta.
